I promised lots of updates while I was in Seattle, but with the schedule I was keeping, it was impossible to just keep up with email from work.
So, here is a recap and my favorite pictures. I am trying to be a bit more artistic with some of my pictures, so I hope you enjoy.
Tuesday and Wednesday were spent most in conference all day, so other than getting out to the Mariner's game, I didn't get to see much else. Ken (my colleague from Millsaps) arrived on Wednesday night and we were able to enjoy a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant. Thursday morning I attended a meeting of all of the CTCL schools and it was neat to meet reps from all those schools too. I would love to go on one of those tours sometime. The briefly mentioned a tour to Asia and I told Ken I would be going :) Thursday afternoon I attended a session about undocumented students which is something I want to learn more about, but in the sense of what other schools are doing with them, i.e. - are they accepting them, awarding scholarships, etc. However the session was uninformative. Oh well!
Thursday night I was supposed to meet up with one of our Vendors for dinner, but somehow we didn't get hooked up, so I just went back to the hotel and relaxed and watched the season premier of Grey's. Friday morning I caught up on emails and work and got to the conference in enough time to visit some of the Vendors I wanted to see. I meet up with Sarah Reynolds for lunch. Sarah is a fellow W girl and a former colleague from the admissions office there; she now works for Phi Theta Kappa and was in Seattle representing them. We just went across the street to the Cheesecake Factory. It was great to catch up with her.
Friday night meant TWO receptions! First Ken and I worked the crowd at the CTCL reception which was really awesome. This is one of the only receptions at NACAC that has an open bar, so needless to say it is well attended. It was great to be able to spread the word about Millsaps. After the CTCL reception, I headed down to 1st street for the Hobson's party. It was a kicking party I have to admit. Those people know how to throw a party.
Saturday morning was the second assembly meeting (with the first being held on Wednesday) and since I was an alternate delegate I was able to attend and sit in the gallery. It was so cool to me to see what went on there! Saturday afternoon I did some more walking around the city and soaking up the clean cool air! Saturday night was the conference social at the Experience Music Project, which was just down the street from my hotel! It was a lot of fun to check out the place and got to see LOTS of people!
Sunday was a long day of travel home! Seattle is a GREAT city and I enjoyed it so much. It was so clean, cool and GREEN! Okay here are the pictures I promised: